29 Mar 2012

A British couple in Orce, Granada fear losing their home


British couple Martin Wade and Abigail Wesson from Fuenta Nueva, Orce, Granada, have spent two and a half years working on their cavehouse, but in December 2011 they were forced to leave as a 1.5 metre hole appeared next to the property. Investigations indicate that the hole was caused by leaking water pipes and poor restoration carried out by a local builder. The couple’s yard had gone in a week and the hole is now some four metres deep. There are unconfirmed reports that the Briton’s property and six others close by had been condemned by Orce Town Hall, and the local builder allegedly offered money to reform them and sell them on. Orce Town Hall has denied to help the couple and the Mayor has even tried to blame them, blaming the collapse on the gravel they had put down even though he has never visited the property. Martin and Abigail put their life savings into the property and are having to rely on the generosity of Abigails parents as they try and resolve the situation. The builder has now given a 400 € quote to fill in the hole, but some consider the area is too dangerous for repairs to be considered.


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