11 Feb 2012

More Spaniards are smoking now than before the anti-smoking legislation

The new anti-smoking legislation which banned smoking in closed public spaces a year ago, has not had the expected effect on the number of smokers. The Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), has presented a report today, the first since the new regulations were introduced in December 2010. It shows that currently 17.65% of the Spanish population smokes, 0.5% more than their last report in 2007. The numbers are based on a survey of 3,300 people, and notes an increase in the number of smokers aged 13-16. The positive part of the legislation is that it has ensured that there is less contaminated air in public places with the number to complain about smoke down from 38% to 21%. One in three Spanish smokers, who on average smoke 12 cigarettes a day, say they have tried to give it up when the law was introduced, but only 6% had any success.


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