16 May 2012

6.2% of Spanish households own a tablet

study by the Online Business School (OBS) has revealed that 6.2% of households in Spain have a tablet, demonstrating the device's wide penetration, only two years after the first iPhone launched. The study also notes that Spain is, however, below the European average in terms of Internet penetration of the tablets. Despite the increased use of the tablets, the penetration of these devices is much less than other technology. 48.9% of Spanish people have a desktop, and 48.8% a laptop. 99.6% of households in Spain have TV, 82.1% radio, 91% a mobile phone and 80.6% a fixed line phone. During the last year, Spanish households with Internet access grew by 8.12%, and 63.9% of Spanish are now connected to the Internet, with 98.9% being broadband connections, an increase of almost 30% between 2007 and 2011. However, this figure is quite low compared to the rest of Europe, where the average is 75%. European countries with higher Internet access in the home are the northern European countries: Sweden and Denmark (90%), Luxembourg (91%), Norway (92%), Iceland (93%) and Netherlands (94%). The countries with the lowest percentages of Internet users are Timor-Leste (0.2%), followed by Bangladesh (0.4%) and Cambodia (0.5%). In Africa, Chad, Burkina Faso and Ethiopia were bottom of the table with only 1.5%, 1.1% and 0.5% respectively. The OBS study also shows that in North America, 79.15% of the population use the Internet regularly, followed by people in Oceania (77%) Europeans (63.05%), Asians (32%), South Americans (29.87%) and Africans (9.95%). In Spain, homes in Melilla, Madrid and Catalonia have the most high technology equipment, and Castilla y León, Galicia and Extremadura the least. Homes in Madrid, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands are the most connected to the Internet and those who use the Internet most are those in Madrid, Ceuta and Catalonia. Murcia, Extremadura and Galicia have the fewest Internet users. Regarding the profile of Internet users in Spain, according to OBS, men use more new technologies than women. The unemployed use computers, Internet and mobile most, only surpassed by students, with figures close to 100%. Young people between 16 and 24 use computers most and have highest Internet access, at 95%. For the over-65s, the percentage is 15.6%. In the case of mobile phone use, people between 25 and 34 have the highest rates of use, at 99%. The study also analyzed, on a scale of 7, which countries use social networks the most. The United States and Canada top the chart of regular use with 6.18 out of 7. And the citizens of Oceania are close behind with 6.08. Europe achieved 5.51 out of 7 for routine use. The countries with the highest percentage of population using social networking are from Europe: Iceland 6.8 out of 7, Sweden 6.48, United Kingdom 6.42, and in Spain 5.28 out of 7 citizens regularly use social networks. In terms of PC penetration in homes, Oceania is at the forefront of this section. 79% of homes have a PC, followed by North American households with 77.50%, Europe 62%, Asia 34.79%, Iberoamerica 24.9% and Africa with 9.53%. In Spain, 45.4% of citizens own a telephone line, ranking 13th in Europe. Europe also leads the number of mobile phone lines per capita, at 1.24. In Spain, there are 1.13 phone lines per capita, ranking it 26th in Europe, far removed from the leaders, the UAE with 2.31 lines per citizen.


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